Today was the first day of school for our oldest who is now in 2nd Grade!!!! She was very anxious about being a second grader last night and could not get to sleep. It took a lot of work and some fancy parenting skills to get her to sleep but we finally did it....way to late I might ad but, oh well!
Ends up she had nothing to worry about (as often happens with anxiety....I should know! LOL) She woke up this morning happy as can be declaring (loudly), "Today is the FIRST day of SCHOOL.......YEAH! Go figure!?!?!
Huge attitude change, thanks to God and quite a bit of prayer, from last night. Larry tried a little TV, (Katie's favorite way to go to sleep since summer vacation...ugh!) he read a book, talking to her, praying with her, etc. Then it was mommy's turn and we tried a little TV in front room with little sissy. After Sarah finally fell asleep, I sang to Katelynn, talked with her and then finally had to pray for her. WOW! Guess what, the prayers worked best.........DUH!!!
I also told Katelynn about something I often do after her and her sister are asleep and that help comfort her. I go to their room after they are sleep and lay my one hand on them (never wakes them up and for Sarah, that says something. She is like me, wakes at a drop of a pin) and raise my other hand to pray over them. I ask our Lord Jesus to shine His light in their room and envelope them in His loving arms and give the comfort and a peaceful sleep. Usually works and I told her that. Katelynn has been plagued with nightmares in the past and we have prayed for them to be released from her. It worked. All I had to do is remind her of prayer and ask her if she trusts God. She does....yeah!
Anyhow, back to 2nd Grade - I also reminded Katelynn that one of her BFs was in her class and another girl who really likes Katelynn was in there to. Not to mention she had me bake cookies for the whole class. In case you don't know, we bake from scratch around here in most cases. Try that with a 6 1/2 and a 3 year old helping you!!!!!!! Talk about needing prayer......LOL! I even let them crack eggs!
Well the end of this long story is a happy one. Katelynn loves her new teacher (she is new to the school too so Katie didn't know who she was.....OH NO!) and she loves her new classroom and her new friends. She was very excited to see her old friends too.
I can't wait to meet her new teacher....Larry did the dropping off and picking up today. Hope she is as great as I hear!
Take Care,
Rebecca in Beckys World 101
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Last Day Before School Starts
With the last day of Summer upon us and tomorrow being the first day of school for our oldest, I thought we would do a couple special things. I have taken over a local mom's group and changed it to be a playgroup. It was a group focused strictly on military mom's. I changed that too and opened it up to all Oxnard, Port Hueneme and Point Mugu mom's for the playgroup.
Since I did that, I scheduled a meetup today at the local McDonald's in Oxnard. The one on Saviers has an indoor play area that my girls seem to enjoy. We enjoyed a little lunch and the girls played for a little over an hour. Even though none of the playgroup members could make it, 2 of my friends and their kids made it and it was wonderful having "mommy time" while monitoring the kids in the play area. The neat thing is the play area is separated from the restaurant by glass windows and door with seating inside. What is even better, is there's a Starbuck's Coffee right next door.....YUM!
We were also going to go to the pool but plans changed, as they always do but the day was still fun. Tomorrow is another day!
If you are a local mom in the Ventura County area, feel free to check out our playgroup or even join. Visit and the name of the group is the Oxnard, Port Hueneme and Point Mugu Playgroup.
Take Care,
Rebecca in Beckys World 101
Since I did that, I scheduled a meetup today at the local McDonald's in Oxnard. The one on Saviers has an indoor play area that my girls seem to enjoy. We enjoyed a little lunch and the girls played for a little over an hour. Even though none of the playgroup members could make it, 2 of my friends and their kids made it and it was wonderful having "mommy time" while monitoring the kids in the play area. The neat thing is the play area is separated from the restaurant by glass windows and door with seating inside. What is even better, is there's a Starbuck's Coffee right next door.....YUM!
We were also going to go to the pool but plans changed, as they always do but the day was still fun. Tomorrow is another day!
If you are a local mom in the Ventura County area, feel free to check out our playgroup or even join. Visit and the name of the group is the Oxnard, Port Hueneme and Point Mugu Playgroup.
Take Care,
Rebecca in Beckys World 101
Monday, August 18, 2008
Today is our little ones 3rd birthday! I can't believe our baby is growing so fast. I was looking for her birthday party pictures for this blog entry and while searching (hubby didn't put them in correct place) I found pics of when Sarah was born and Katelynn was just 2 month short of being 4..........WOW Time Flies! Since then, of course Sarah doesn't look the same at all but Katelynn has lost all her "baby" face and now looks like a young girl......a beautiful, tall, thin and long legged young girl..........going to have to beat that girl with an ugly stick and her little sister too! LOL !!!

Sarah was hilarious as she opened her presents which she came out and announced to Daddy it was "present time!" She didn't really open them, she was like a tornado!!! I couldn't keep up or slow her down and everyone was laughing. She get one bag, through the tissue paper out, using both hands moving her little arms in a windmill motion and then pick up the present and make such adorable faces!! Her eyes would get wider with each gift and she would squeal! Even on the pajamas, everyone really loved watching her. Sarah's enjoyment of her Dora Pirate Party was seriously contagious!!
We will be taking Sarah to Toys R Us tonight to get her a present. She is in the birthday club there and gets a coupon. (Don't worry, Sarah of course is in my Mojo Kid's Birthday Club with Noah's Ark too!)
Anyway, because my parents were going to be out of town this past weekend, we had Sarah's birthday party on the 9th. It was her first "big girl" party with friends over and she had a BLAST! It was a Dora Pirate Birthday Party but of course I couldn't find anything that particular theme so I had to combine some items to get what I wanted and Sarah loved it all!!!
I went on and they had Dora Pirate themed invites, hats, maps and tags for your goodie bags. Then we went to the party store and got Dora paper goods and Dora and Pirate goodies for our gift bags. Larry went to our local store and got a Very Cool Pirate Cake and we added Dora and Boots to the pirates on board. (I usually bake our cakes but I was too sick to even think about it.)
Katelynn colored all our printed poster decorations and helped Larry cleaned the house while I lay in bed and did the goodie bags, etc. (I really, really hate being sick!!!)
I was able to go to the actual party though. I originally didn't plan too but couldn't miss Sarah's 3rd birthday and Larry pretty much ran the party for me. Usually I do most of the work with his help but this time, I just couldn't do it. Guess what, party went perfect and Larry had as much fun as I do running the parties.....he just won't admit it!
We downloaded and sent out her invites 6 weeks in advance and for the next 6 weeks Sarah would ask every day, "today my Dora Pirate party?" and me or Larry would say, "No, hunny in a few weeks." Sarah would crinkle her nose and say, "Darn!"
Enjoy Life, it goes quicker than you think,
Rebecca in Beckys World 101
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tired of Being Sick!!!!
Well what do you know, the Evil Germ Gremlins seem to be raising holly heck in our household and I am really tired of the little monsters!!!
Within days of Katelynn's last doctor visit, I got a sinus infection and was very, very sick. It seems that one of my favorite cereals changed it's ingredients and added wheat starch as the very last ingredient........not good for me! When a food product is changed in such an insignificant way as which starch they are using it's not big news and so the companies never put it on the package design. Because of this, my husband and I periodically go through the ingredients on items we always use to re-check for changes. Unfortunately, the last time I had checked this cereal, it was about 2 months ago, just before our grocery store stopped carrying it. We have another grocery store close to us and sometimes we get a few items from it. Luckily for me (so I thought) my hubby found my favorite cereal at this second grocery store and bought it for me. I was excited of course!!!
Well after eating approximately 5 bowls of cereal over 6 days........I was horribly sick and even though we were sure it was an allergic reaction, we didn't know why since all my food, we thought, was safe.
After not eating the cereal for a couple of days and getting medication for my sinus infection, I started to get better. Unfortunately, Sarah got a cold, shared it with Katelynn and one of my darling little girls shared it with me!!!!
Today is Tuesday and it has been 2 miserable, Evil Germ Gremlin, long painful weeks and I am TIRED OF BEING SICK!!! Not to mention I had specifically taken these 2 weeks off from my business to spend tons of special time with my girls which of course didn't happen since I have pretty much been in bed or on the couch.
The worse part of it all is we were suppose to leave Sunday for a family trip to visit my husbands family and it looks like I won't be well enough to fly! Not only is the whole family sad but we are going to loose approx. $450 in fees for cancelling the flights. I am so bummed. Hopefully the medicine from the doctor will work this time and we can still go. (Last time the antibiotic made me really sick to my stomach and I couldn't take it, hence I still have a sinus infection with a swollen throat!) I have been living on ibuprofin and tylenol for 2 weeks plus my antibiotic and Benadryl. Oh well, I WILL get better sooner or later.........right?
Take Care,
Rebecca in Beckys World 101
Within days of Katelynn's last doctor visit, I got a sinus infection and was very, very sick. It seems that one of my favorite cereals changed it's ingredients and added wheat starch as the very last ingredient........not good for me! When a food product is changed in such an insignificant way as which starch they are using it's not big news and so the companies never put it on the package design. Because of this, my husband and I periodically go through the ingredients on items we always use to re-check for changes. Unfortunately, the last time I had checked this cereal, it was about 2 months ago, just before our grocery store stopped carrying it. We have another grocery store close to us and sometimes we get a few items from it. Luckily for me (so I thought) my hubby found my favorite cereal at this second grocery store and bought it for me. I was excited of course!!!
Well after eating approximately 5 bowls of cereal over 6 days........I was horribly sick and even though we were sure it was an allergic reaction, we didn't know why since all my food, we thought, was safe.
After not eating the cereal for a couple of days and getting medication for my sinus infection, I started to get better. Unfortunately, Sarah got a cold, shared it with Katelynn and one of my darling little girls shared it with me!!!!
Today is Tuesday and it has been 2 miserable, Evil Germ Gremlin, long painful weeks and I am TIRED OF BEING SICK!!! Not to mention I had specifically taken these 2 weeks off from my business to spend tons of special time with my girls which of course didn't happen since I have pretty much been in bed or on the couch.
The worse part of it all is we were suppose to leave Sunday for a family trip to visit my husbands family and it looks like I won't be well enough to fly! Not only is the whole family sad but we are going to loose approx. $450 in fees for cancelling the flights. I am so bummed. Hopefully the medicine from the doctor will work this time and we can still go. (Last time the antibiotic made me really sick to my stomach and I couldn't take it, hence I still have a sinus infection with a swollen throat!) I have been living on ibuprofin and tylenol for 2 weeks plus my antibiotic and Benadryl. Oh well, I WILL get better sooner or later.........right?
Take Care,
Rebecca in Beckys World 101
Monday, August 4, 2008
New Doctor's Visit for Katelynn
Two weeks ago, we went to see the doctor for Katelynn's follow up visit after 5 weeks of absolutely no corn, corn starch, corn syrup, food starch or modified food starch and keeping a Food Diary of everything she ate, in detail. Guess what? Katelynn never once got a stomach ache nor did she ever vomit!!!! We were SICK and SYMPTOM FREE!!!!!
It took a lot of work for me and Larry (mostly me....LOL) to make sure Katie's diet was corn free but very, very worth it. She hasn't had any hives either! Only one time during the whole 5 weeks did she have a small break out and that is when she has small amounts of corn syrup 2 days in a row.......BINGO! Now I think that might be why we couldn't pin point the hives before since corn syrup is in about everything you purchase from a store.
Anyway, verdict was keep her pretty much corn free..........ugh, but don't freak out if she goes to a birthday party and has a little cake or candy (cake has baking soda and/or corn starch, etc. and candy will have corn syrup in it) so this don't interrupt her life too much but for day to day diet, keep corn and all by-products OUT! Sort of how I live without wheat, potatoes and such. That is another blog since I have been very sick for the past week! Now it's my turn to see the doctor..........WooHoo!
Take Care,
Rebecca in Beckys Worlds 101
It took a lot of work for me and Larry (mostly me....LOL) to make sure Katie's diet was corn free but very, very worth it. She hasn't had any hives either! Only one time during the whole 5 weeks did she have a small break out and that is when she has small amounts of corn syrup 2 days in a row.......BINGO! Now I think that might be why we couldn't pin point the hives before since corn syrup is in about everything you purchase from a store.
Anyway, verdict was keep her pretty much corn free..........ugh, but don't freak out if she goes to a birthday party and has a little cake or candy (cake has baking soda and/or corn starch, etc. and candy will have corn syrup in it) so this don't interrupt her life too much but for day to day diet, keep corn and all by-products OUT! Sort of how I live without wheat, potatoes and such. That is another blog since I have been very sick for the past week! Now it's my turn to see the doctor..........WooHoo!
Take Care,
Rebecca in Beckys Worlds 101
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