Sunday, January 18, 2009

Narnia Party!

Our girls, hubby and I went to a wonderful birthday party for a 4 year old was a Narnia party. The party mom had really fun and easy crafts. She had pre-cut several crown's from white card stock using decorative scissors and punched holes in the ends for tying ribbon and using that to tie the crowns on the kids heads.

Next she had all kinds of decorations for the kids to use to decorate their crowns and make them their own, and they had a blast doing so. Their were jewels, glitter glue, crayons and the word Queen or King typed out that you could glue on.

There was also swords the kids could decorate and then use to sword fight. Don't worry, they were only newspaper wrapped up and tapped so it was totally harmless and tons of fun.

After eating, the kids played "Pin the Crown on Prince Caspian" or whatever prince they hit and pass the treasure (present) to music from favorite kids show.

I must say, I was very impressed. I am known for throwing some pretty nice themed parties and "going over the top" as some of my friends say but this party was awesome. I particularly loved the sword idea and may have to use that as my craft in my next eZine (my electronic newsletter that comes out monthly. Email me and I can send you 1 copy so see if you like it, then you are free to sign up for it.)

It was also nice for me to sit back, eat and talk with other parents and not run the show.....that is always fun!

Take Care,
Rebecca from Becky's World 101

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